In our 4th episode, we’re going to start talking about swimming in open water.
And you know what’s coming before we actually get into open water. The safety briefing! Look, there’s tons of things to look out for, so let me focus on the most important points! First, if by any means possible, try not to swim by yourself in open water. A swimming buddy in open water is so much more fun and is probably your best life insurance if something goes wrong. Second, never ever dive head first into open waters you don’t know. Always feet first. Third, if the water is cold, wear the right gear, a wetsuit, a neoprene cap, socks, gloves and when you get in – first adjust to the cold water, especially your breathing. Remember, it’s a shock for your body, so don’t overdo it in the beginning! Last, please use an open water buoy. These buoys are super helpful, you can hold on to them, you can put a cell phone into them and call for help and you’re visible for other folks in the water and on the water. And these are my four most important safety tips for open water swimming!